OSORA supports the 41st Hallescher AO Trauma Blended Course in Halle, Germany on 4-6 September 2023

The course participants will use our fracture healing simulation for a novel, fully digitized virtual case discussion. The format teaches osteosynthesis principles using clinical shaft fractures, enhanced with OSORA digital twins. Under scientific supervision of PD Dr. med Thomas Mendel of the BG Clinic Bergmannstrost Halle, four medical instructors guide participants through teaching blocks on the evaluation of osteosynthesis techniques, as well as understanding the influence of mechanobiology on fracture healing.

For the event, the OSORA webapp got modified for the teaching format:

  • Improved usability for the instructors through a dedicated user interface
  • Learning milestones and Take-aways for course participants
  • Simulation of treatment results based on real clinical cases
  • Improved visualization and quantification of biomechanics and simulated treatment results

Link to the event

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